A New Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog.

Why a blog? Well, like most artists (and people in general), I’m pretty sick of social media.

I begrudgingly use it in order to promote my work to potential customers and employers - though in recent months it seems harder and harder to get eyes on anything without filming myself dancing and pointing at it. Not to mention being addicted to scrolling through it almost constantly, sapping all my brainpower and useful time. Sure, it’s good for connecting with people and I like a funny video as much as the next guy, but the cons far outweight the pros for me these days.

I don’t think it’s possible to completely cut yourself off from social media, as literally everything and everyone is on it. But I’m hoping this blog might be a way to communicate with the world without having to rely so heavily on it. And who knows, maybe one day I could scrap social media entirely - a girl can dream.

So, the plan is to do a newsletter at the end of each month: what I’ve been working on, what I’ve done and any reccomendations for good comics, etc. Plus the odd post here and there if the mood strikes me.

You can subscribe to the newsletter below. You’ll only get one email a month, not for any other posts I do.

If you read all this: thanks very much, hopefully see you on the next post (I won’t, but you know what I mean).

